This list has been a long time in the making-- I believe very powerfully in friendships, & this is one aspect of childhood that can be tricky to navigate, but when you make a friend....oh boy! Isn't that the best feeling in the world? Friendship has been on my mind more during these months of COVID as well; it's hard to be isolated from loved ones during this time. But it's also important to establish who our real friends are & they are the people still around, still connecting with us & setting up play dates or Face Time or Marco Polo too.
And I've added several books to this list that fall more under the category of teamwork (think in a sports or group project context) because I think that's a big component of friendship sometimes too. FRIENDSHIP+TEAMWORK BOOKS: 1. Jasper & Ollie Build a Fort by: Alex Willan (one of our new favorite author-illustrators!) (The most opposite of friends, Jasper & Ollie set out to build their own forts. As is typical to his daily life, Jasper rushes through the construction of his fort, making it bigger, but not paying attention to how unsteady it's become, until it's too late.... Ollie likes to do things s-l-o-w-l-y & because he takes his time, his results are much better! And he even has room in his new fort for his buddy.) www.amazon.com/Jasper-Ollie-Build-Fort-Willan/dp/0525645241/ref=sr_1_1?crid=88L8UVDBA32I&dchild=1&keywords=jasper+%26+ollie+build+a+fort&qid=1613869592&sprefix=jasper+%26+ollie+bui%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-1 2. Best Friend in the Whole World by: Sandra Salsbury (A sweet ode to friendship when a little girl spends the day with her buddy & how their relationship is celebrated.) www.amazon.com/Friend-Whole-World-Sandra-Salsbury/dp/1682632504/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=best+friends&qid=1613870653&s=books&sr=1-3 3. Enemy Pie by: Derek Munson (Dad has a surefire way to scare off enemies; it's called Enemy Pie! And since Jeremy moved in down the street & has become Enemy #1; the boy in this story learns about kindness & respect as he spends a day playing with his enemy...soon to become his bestie!) www.amazon.com/Enemy-Pie-Reading-Rainbow-book/dp/081182778X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=enemy+pie&qid=1613870716&s=books&sr=1-1 4. Lola Dutch, I Love You So Much by: Kenneth Wright & Sarah Jane Wright (When her friends are having a gloomy day, Lola knows just what to do to cheer them up! She helps Gator, Pig & Crane feel loved....but she forgot about Bear! In this book, Lola helps everyone realize the importance of appreciation & friendship.) www.amazon.com/Lola-Dutch-Love-You-Much/dp/1547601175/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3AZCTUYCH8OUK&dchild=1&keywords=lola+dutch+i+love+you+so+much&qid=1614063305&sprefix=lola+dutch+I+love%2Caps%2C207&sr=8-1 5. Tiny T. Rex & The Impossible Hug by: Jonathan Stutzman (Who doesn't love Tiny & his sweet little T. Rex spirit? His whole family tries to help him become reconciled to the fact that he just won't be able to hug his dino friend because his arms are too short. But Tiny is determined to find a way to give his sad friend a hug; he even devises a whole blackboard full of options & practices hugging everything...including his friend!) www.amazon.com/Tiny-T-Rex-Impossible-Hug/dp/1452170339/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2Z3Q8F0BWYIGU&dchild=1&keywords=tiny+t.+rex+and+the+impossible+hug&qid=1613939115&sprefix=tin+y+t.+rex%2Caps%2C220&sr=8-1 6. When Pencil Met Eraser by: Karen Kilpatrick & Luis O. Ramos Jr. (An unlikely pair, pencil is getting frustrated that all of his scribbles & drawings get edited by this eraser character; he thought his art was just fine before eraser showed up! But then, pencil begins to see the value of working with eraser after completing a maze incorrectly....& then the two join up & go on to do art together!) www.amazon.com/When-Pencil-Eraser-Karen-Kilpatrick/dp/1250309395/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1GA4572QU4ZA2&dchild=1&keywords=when+pencil+met+eraser&qid=1613938902&sprefix=when+pencil+met%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1 6. Strictly No Elephants by: Lisa Mantchev (A young boy is excited to attend the pet club on Pet Club Day, until he gets to the clubhouse and sees a sign excluding elephants-- which is what his pet is. He feels remorse & embarrassment after being turned away, but he runs into another girl who was also turned away, & they decide to make their own inclusive pet club together.) www.amazon.com/Strictly-No-Elephants-Lisa-Mantchev/dp/1481416472/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=strictly+no+elephants&qid=1613939695&sr=8-1 7. The Things I Love About Friends by: Trace Moroney (Friends share ideas, interests, feelings & good times together! This book is part of the Things I Love series by Moroney.) www.amazon.com/Things-Love-About-Friends/dp/1608875040/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=The+things+i+love+about+friends&qid=1614060001&sr=8-1 8. How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? by: Jane Yolen & Mark Teague (Through rhymes that teach kids how to play nice, comes another in the dinosaur series about making friends & friendships.) www.amazon.com/How-Dinosaurs-Play-Their-Friends/dp/043985654X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=How+do+dinosaurs+play+with+their+friends&qid=1614060571&sr=8-1 9. Should I Share My Ice Cream? (Elephant & Piggie book) by: Mo Willems (Gerald the elephant is so excited to get an ice cream cone on a warm day! But, then he starts having second thoughts about saving the ice cream cone to share with his best friend Piggie; but all the while, his indecision keeps him from eating the ice cream & then it melts away. Good thing Piggie came around to save the day with her cone!) www.amazon.com/Should-Share-Cream-Elephant-Piggie/dp/1423143434/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1A5HMJL01POLB&dchild=1&keywords=should+i+share+my+ice+cream+book&qid=1614060844&sprefix=should+i+share+my+%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-1 10. Bunny Built by: Michael Slack (LaRue is a handy bunny & he stumbles on a mysterious seed when he's craving carrots. Instead of just planting the seed to grow snacks for himself, he decides to cut up the giant carrot & make gifts for each of his 3 friends, who were each missing something; a home, a boat & a table. LaRue is a generous, thoughtful bunny who sets a good example for how to be a friend.) www.amazon.com/Bunny-Built-Michael-Slack/dp/1627792708/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=bunny+built&qid=1614063086&sr=8-1 11. Bad Apple: A Tale of Friendship by: Edward Hemingway (Apples are not supposed to like worms...it spoils them. But when Mac meets Will the worm, they become fast friends. And he gets bullied for wanting to be friends with a worm. But they get along so well together, that after one lonely day, Mac decides he'd rather be a "bad apple" & stick with Will.) www.amazon.com/Bad-Apple-Friendship-Edward-Hemingway/dp/0147517486/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2O6KE7E74RX6B&dchild=1&keywords=bad+apple+a+tale+of+friendship&qid=1614062929&sprefix=bad+apple+a+tale+of%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-1 12. Winston & Bentley: Best Friends by: Mark Peppler & Brett Brooks (Who doesn't love a cute pair of puppy dogs? And these two are determined to tackle life together while teaching kids some valuable life skills.) www.amazon.com/Winston-Bentley-Friends-Mark-Peppler/dp/1722835230/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=mark+peppler+book&qid=1614105836&sr=8-2 13. The Golden Acorn by: Katy Hudson (Squirrel has won the Golden Acorn Hunt for 8 years in a row on her own. But this year, only teams can compete. Will Squirrel learn how to work with her friends who aren't as quick as her, or will she lose the race?) www.amazon.com/Golden-Acorn-Katy-Hudson/dp/1474778062/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+golden+acorn&qid=1614135594&sr=8-1 14. Evelyn Del Rey is Moving Away by: Meg Medina & Sonia Sanchez (Daniela is sad because her best friend, Evelyn, who she does everything with, is moving. The day of the move the girls play amid the moving boxes, making promises to stay in touch & keep their friendship real, despite the distance.) www.amazon.com/Evelyn-Del-Rey-Moving-Away/dp/1536207047/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=evelyn+del+real&qid=1614209424&sr=8-1 15. Meesha Makes Friends by: Tom Percival (Part of the Bright Feelings series, this particular story takes a look at the challenges & joys of making & keeping friends and relating to others. Meesha never knows what to do or what to say, & she struggles with reading & responding appropriately to social cues; will she be able to make friends & keep them?) (www.amazon.com/Meesha-Makes-Friends-Bright-Feelings/dp/1547605197/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36QUTXOEEORIL&dchild=1&keywords=meesha+makes+a+friend&qid=1614209547&sprefix=meesha+makes+%2Caps%2C239&sr=8-1 16. The Big Umbrella by: Amy June Bates & Juniper Bates (Even though it's begun to rain hard outside, don't worry that there won't be room for everyone under the umbrella by the door. It's a BIG umbrella; intended to cover everyone, regardless of how different you might be!) www.amazon.com/Big-Umbrella-Amy-June-Bates/dp/1534406581/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+big+umbrella&qid=1614106690&sr=8-1 17. Peanut Butter & Cupcake by: Terry Border (What can a piece of bread do when he's feeling lonely? Well, Peanut Butter sets out to find a friend to play with, but Hamburger, Egg, & Cupcake are all busy doing their own thing. Will he find someone to play with?) www.amazon.com/Peanut-Butter-Cupcake-Terry-Border/dp/0399167730/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=peanut+butter+%26+cupcake&qid=1614121773&sr=8-1 18. The Friendship Book by: Mary Lyn Ray & Sarah Graegin (A little primer on friendship written in rhyme & it discusses how being a friend is a gift in & of itself. A sweet little ode to friends of all shapes & sizes.) www.amazon.com/Friendship-Book-Mary-Lyn-Ray/dp/1328488993/ref=sr_1_22?dchild=1&keywords=the+friendship&qid=1614122200&sr=8-22 19. How to Spot a Best Friend by: Bea Birdsong & Lucy Fleming (A little girl confidently leaves the house on the first day of school, telling her mother that she will find a best friend. Her mom is doubtful, but the little girl goes throughout the day, illustrating what a best friend does. For example, "A best friend lends you the brand new, sharp green crayon.") www.amazon.com/How-Spot-Best-Friend-Birdsong/dp/0593179277/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=How+to+spot+a+best+friend&qid=1614127696&sr=8-2 20. Be Kind by: Pat Zietlow Miller (Tanisha is having a rough day at school, starting with spilling grape juice all down her dress before art class. her classmate wants her to feel better, but he doesn't know what to do. Which then stretches into a conversation about how to notice & spread kindness all around the world.) www.amazon.com/Be-Kind-Pat-Zietlow-Miller/dp/1626723214/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=be+kind&qid=1614132065&sr=8-3 21. Jake the Growling Dog by: Samantha Shannon & Parker Sinclair (Jake is just one misunderstood dog, who tries really hard to make friends, despite his differences. While Jake loves to swim and hike, he realizes he's lonely, & that's when a true friend comes to the rescue.) www.amazon.com/Jake-Growling-Dog-Celebrating-Friendship/dp/0998405361/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=jake+the+growling+dog&qid=1614132298&sr=8-1 22. Goodbye Friend, Hello Friend by: Cori Doerrfeld ( www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Friend-Hello-Cori-Doerrfeld/dp/0525554238/ref=sr_1_1?crid=P74DHVREAS8N&dchild=1&keywords=goodbye+friend%2C+hello+friend&qid=1614135401&sprefix=goodbye+friend%2C%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-1 23. The Love Letter by: Anika Aldamuy Denise (I almost shared this on my Valentines day book list, since it deals with love. It's a very sweet story of 3 friends, Hedgehog, Squirrel & Bunny, who are all receiving a message that someone loves them. But who could it be? Just a little bit of love & kindness goes a long way in this world!) www.amazon.com/Love-Letter-Anika-Aldamuy-Denise/dp/0062741578/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=the+love+letter&qid=1614267341&sr=8-3 24. The Buddy Bench by: Patty Brozo & Mike Deas (Have you noticed that many schoolyards or playgrounds around the country have buddy benches? Since 2014, inspired by Germany, when a kid sits on the bench it's a sign that the child would like to be invited to play with the other children.) www.amazon.com/Buddy-Bench-Patty-Brozo/dp/0884486974/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+buddy+bench&qid=1614138936&sr=8-1 25. Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light by: Apryl Stott (Bear's best friend Coco is a human, who is determined to help the other animals see that he is a friendly bear, & not a mean one. They decide to bake cookies & bring kindness, as well as light lanterns to "bring some light" as they go.) www.amazon.com/Share-Some-Kindness-Bring-Light/dp/1534462384/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=13ZZ8N9NVEONJ&dchild=1&keywords=share+some+kindness+bring+some+light&qid=1614138766&sprefix=share+some+kind%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyQVZWWkpRM1ZLSUFHJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzk4MjczMTJZTUZLVUk0S0ZVJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1OTEyNDlFTUk1TUUzU0hKRE8md2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl 26. The Friend Ship by: Kat Yeh & Chuck Groenink ( www.amazon.com/Friend-Ship-Kat-Yeh/dp/1484707265/ref=sr_1_1?crid=22YQU83FY2GHG&dchild=1&keywords=the+friend+ship+kat+yeh&qid=1614139982&sprefix=the+friend+ship%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-1 27. Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend by: Melanie Watts (Scaredy is scared of lots of things, including how to make a new friend. His biggest concerns are: teeth & cleanliness. So he concocts a plan to capture a harmless goldfish & make it his friend....but a dog shows up & changes Scaredy's plan.) www.amazon.com/Scaredy-Squirrel-Makes-Friend-M%C3%A9lanie/dp/1554533856/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=scaredy+squirrel&qid=1614267021&sr=8-5 28. You Are My Friend by: Aimee Reid & Matt Phelan (A nonfiction about Mister Rogers, the TV personality we all came to love, as a boy; Freddie Rogers. He had trouble making friends as a child, & was often sick, but that didn't keep him from growing up to spread a message of kindness & compassion on television.) www.amazon.com/You-Are-My-Friend-Neighborhood/dp/1419736175/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=you+are+my+friend&qid=1614267468&sr=8-2
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AuthorHi, I'm Katie! I'm 37 years old, love the outdoors, reading books & being a mama! And I also enjoy literacy research for my podcast. Archives
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