I have loved creating Sophie Stands Out & now I'm adding more activities I want to share with you all as you purchase &
enjoy this book with your families or classes.
I would also LOVE to hear what your favorite part of Sophie Stands Out has been. Please leave me a comment here on the blog,
or tag me in any photos of you reading Sophie on Instagram as @katie_storeywriter
enjoy this book with your families or classes.
I would also LOVE to hear what your favorite part of Sophie Stands Out has been. Please leave me a comment here on the blog,
or tag me in any photos of you reading Sophie on Instagram as @katie_storeywriter
Link to purchase or review my book on Bibliokid Publishing:
bibliokidpublishing.com/product/sophie-stands-out/ Link to purchase or review my book on Amazon: www.amazon.com/Sophie-Stands-Out-Katie-Storey/dp/1736325833/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CSYT2DUOPKPS&keywords=sophie+stands+out&qid=1646963832&sprefix=sophie+stands+o%2Caps%2C309&sr=8-1 Link to review my book on Goodreads (or buy it on Kindle or at Better World Books:) www.goodreads.com/review/edit/57048186?report_event=true&survey=1 |