Spring is officially here! (Although, ironically, it snowed today here in Utah & was super blustery/windy. But, we are celebrating spring's approximate arrival at our house with this cute books; enjoy!
SPRING PICTURE BOOKS: 1. and then it's spring by: Julie Fogliano & Erin Stead (Following a snowy winter, a young boy & his dog resolve to plant a garden in the ideal weather-- springtime. They dig, plant, play & wait to see what the unattractive brown will become.) www.amazon.com/Spring-Booklist-Editors-Choice-Awards/dp/1596436247/ref=sr_1_1?crid=KJRHECS7VL4W&keywords=and+then+its+spring&qid=1647840272&sprefix=and+then+its+sprin%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1 2. Abracadabra, Its Spring! by: Anne Sibley O' Brian & Susan Gal (A lyrical, colorful book that celebrates the changing of seasons. This book shows what happens when the snow melts & tress bud, flowers bloom & birds arrive.) www.amazon.com/Abracadabra-Its-Spring-Seasonal-Magic/dp/1419718916/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=abracadabra+its+spring&qid=1647885646&sr=8-1 3. The Tiny Seed by: Eric Carle (It's incredible what happens to one small seed, planted in the beginning of springtime-- the journey a seed goes on, from being carried by the wind & a bird, etc.) www.amazon.com/Tiny-Seed-World-Eric-Carle/dp/1416979174/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BK2JR0Q88783&keywords=the+tiny+seed&qid=1647883619&sprefix=the+tiny+seed%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-1 4. An Egg is Quiet by: Dianna Hutts Aston (Love the poetic text that presents all the factual things about eggs you could ever want to know!) www.amazon.com/Egg-Quiet-Nature-Books/dp/1452131481/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1V322ZOW4TV3U&keywords=an+egg+is+quiet&qid=1647840873&sprefix=an+egg+is+quie%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1 5.Lola Plants a Garden by: Anna McQuinn ( After reading some garden poems, Lola is inspired to plant her own garden! After checking out some books at the library, Lola & her mom plant some seeds-- but it is so hard to wait for flowers to bloom & grow! By the end of the story, she has grown a garden full of my favorite flowers; sunflowers, & invites all her friends to come see.) www.amazon.com/Lola-Plants-Garden-Anna-McQuinn/dp/1580896952/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2XP62THA7DRX1&keywords=lola+plants+a+garden&qid=1647894397&sprefix=lola+plants+a+garden%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-1 6. Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit by: Il Sung Na (All about the animals who hibernate, migrate, and the animals who stay in winter, this cute book is a great one to add to your seasons collection at home!) www.amazon.com/Snow-Rabbit-Spring-Changing-Seasons/dp/0545450179/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=snow+rabbit+spring+rabbit&qid=1647890495&sprefix=snow+rabbit+s%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-2 7. The Thing About Spring by: Daniel Kirk (A group of friends, Mouse, Bird & Bear all love wintertime! It means they get to hibernate. But they are also looking forward to spring; Rabbit isn't looking forward to it this year, though.) www.amazon.com/Thing-About-Spring-Daniel-Kirk/dp/141974383X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=34Q1SWRIB92S6&keywords=the+thing+about+spring&qid=1647894498&sprefix=the+thing+about+spring%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-1 8. Worm Weather by: Jean Taft (Everyone knows spring weather includes rain....lots of rain showers! www.amazon.com/Worm-Weather-Penguin-Core-Concepts/dp/0448487403/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1DOFHZDWEA6IG&keywords=worm+weather&qid=1647880677&sprefix=worm+weathe%2Caps%2C271&sr=8-2 9. When Spring Comes by: Kevin Henkes & Laura Dronzek (All the wonderful transitions from winter to spring are explained in these pages & the pictures that follow.) www.amazon.com/When-Spring-Comes-Kevin-Henkes/dp/0062741675/ref=sr_1_1?crid=179OU4ULOM4SD&keywords=when+spring+comes&qid=1647908366&sprefix=when+spring+comes%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1 10. Construction Site: Spring Delight by: Sherri Duskey Rinker ( www.amazon.com/Construction-Site-Lift-Flap-Goodnight/dp/1797204319/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=construction+site+spring+delight&qid=1647882189&sprefix=construction+site+spring%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1 11. One Rainy Day by: M. Christina Butler (Hedgehog wakes up to the pitter-patter of raindrops & is so excited he will get to wear his new raincoat, hat & boots! Little Hedgehog is actually in for a day of adventure, & will need his spiffy rain gear to rescue a few friends!) www.amazon.com/One-Rainy-Shimmery-Shiny-Books/dp/1561486558/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ZM5X39J7OG0Z&keywords=one+rainy+day&qid=1647912040&sprefix=one+rainy+day%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-1 12. I Am Spring by: Rebecca & James McDonald (A nonfiction book about weather changes, winter to spring.) www.amazon.com/Am-Spring-Book-About-Kids/dp/1950553175/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36YO4FCFQP5X&keywords=I+Am+Spring&qid=1647926719&sprefix=i+am+spring%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1 13. Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by: Kenard Pak (An idyllic painting of the changing of seasons--- wintertime to springtime.) www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Winter-Hello-Spring-Kenard/dp/1250151724/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=goodbye+winter+hello+spring&qid=1647926654&sprefix=goodbye+winter%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-1 14. Spring Stinks by: Ryan T. Higgins (Ruth Bunny is excited to share the smelly springtime smells of spring with Bruce; but will grumpy Bruce enjoy spring?) www.amazon.com/Spring-Stinks-Mother-Bruce-Higgins/dp/1368060919/ref=sr_1_1?crid=34G7ONQD7DFRF&keywords=spring+stinks&qid=1647926545&sprefix=spring+stinks%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-1 15. In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb by: Marion Dane Bauer & Emily Arnold McCully (Have you heard this cute expression before? March rolls in like a lion-- loud, muddy & wet. But spring weather is unpredictable & ever-changing! It grows calmer as the season continues, thus the simile to a lamb.) www.amazon.com/Like-Lion-Out-Lamb/dp/0823424324/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=in+like+a+lion+out+like+a+lamb&qid=1647926679&sprefix=in+like+a+lion%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-1 16. Spring is Here: A Bear & Mole Story by: Will Hillenbrand (Mole is so excited for spring, but he can't wake his friend Bear. Even after trying to wake Bear with a trumpet, he gathers ingredients to bake a special springtime surprise for his friend.) www.amazon.com/Spring-Here-Bear-Mole-Story/dp/0823424316/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XRPE9KRQUK6F&keywords=spring+is+here&qid=1647925320&sprefix=spring+is+her%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1 17. Little Blue Truck's Springtime by: Alice Schertle & Jill McElmurry (A cute interactive flap book where Blue & his friend Toad will meet all the baby animals born on the farm & see all the flowers blooming along the way!) www.amazon.com/Little-Trucks-Springtime-Alice-Schertle/dp/0544938097/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=little+blue+trucks+springtime&qid=1647925237&sprefix=little+blue+trucks+spring%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-1 18. Fletcher & the Springtime Blossoms by: Julia Rawlinson & Tiphanie Beeke (Fletcher gets a bit nervous after the sunny weather of spring has come, & he discovers some snow flakes floating to the ground; to him, that signals the return of winter! But then, as days go on, Fletcher learns springtime holds many wonderful surprises!) www.amazon.com/Fletcher-Springtime-Blossoms-Julia-Rawlinson/dp/0061688568/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=fletcher+and+the+springtime+blossoms&qid=1647924916&sprefix=fletcher+%26+the+springtime%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1
It was hard to choose between a round-up of books for bad sleepers or picky eaters next, but more people voted on Instagram in the polls for picky eaters. And I have a pair of them at my house, so I was only too glad to comply!
Below you will find some books specifically targeted at picky eating & why it doesn't work out so well. I'm hoping my kids get the hint as we read over these the next couple of weeks! Especially the message in A Picky Eater (the pig who only wants to eat foods that start with the letter "p.") BOOKS FOR PICKY EATERS: 1. The Picky Eater by: Becky Parkinson www.amazon.com/Picky-Eater-Little-Boost/dp/151582943X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2U0GK7JBUXTRH&keywords=the+picky+eater&qid=1647407789&sprefix=the+picky+eate%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1 2. Gorillas Go Bananas by: Patrick Wensink & Nate Wragg (Baby gorilla won't eat! What are mama & papa gorilla going to do? They go to work baking & finding the most delectable versions of banana dishes they can-- banana smoothies, souffles, plantain chips, etc. But in the end, it turns out that baby gorilla just wants a plain ole banana, right off the tree!) www.amazon.com/Gorillas-Go-Bananas-Patrick-Wensink/dp/0062381202/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3K2QBWIV91XJW&keywords=gorillas+go+bananas&qid=1647408389&s=books&sprefix=gorillas+go+banans%2Cstripbooks%2C124&sr=1-1 3. Silverlicious by: Victoria Kann (Pinkalicious just loves sweets....she steals a cookie from her brother Peter, & then all of the sudden, she loses her "sweet tooth." The tooth fairy is occupied with many other children, & sends in a Christmas elf, Cupid, an Easter bunny, etc. to leave Pinkalicious small treats & try to restore her taste. But everything is yucky to her now!) www.amazon.com/Silverlicious-Pinkalicious-Victoria-Kann/dp/0061781231/ref=sr_1_1?crid=MK0ROHBX4IR8&keywords=silverlicious&qid=1647408608&s=books&sprefix=silverlicious%2Cstripbooks%2C123&sr=1-1 4. D.W. The Picky Eater by: Marc Brown (D.W. won't eat any good food at dinnertime; what are her parents going to do about it? www.amazon.com/D-W-Picky-Eater-D-W/dp/0316110485/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=d.w.+the+picky+eater&qid=1647408639&s=books&sprefix=D.W.+The+pic%2Cstripbooks%2C114&sr=1-1 5. Vanilla Bean: A Story About Trying New Things by: Katie Turner (Vanilla Bean is a simple pup; & what he likes to eat is even plainer. He will never try any new foods; just plain ole' vanilla ice cream for him! But the sundae place in town has all kinds of varieties of ice cream, & Mrs. Sundae is doing her best to introduce him to new flavors; by the end of the story, he will have changed his mind a little bit.) www.amazon.com/Vanilla-Bean-Small-Childrens-Storybook/dp/1646381122/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1TTPNANQNPMYD&keywords=vanilla+bean&qid=1647408132&s=books&sprefix=vanilla+bean%2Cstripbooks%2C119&sr=1-2 6. The Seven Silly Eaters by: Mary Ann Hoberman www.amazon.com/Seven-Silly-Eaters-Mary-Hoberman/dp/0152024409/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GT80D1P1U8JO&keywords=seven+silly+eaters&qid=1647407975&sprefix=seven+silly+eater%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1 7. Cave Dad: Picky Eater by: Brandon Reese (Cave Dad is trying to find something to satisfy baby for breakfast...but baby is determined to have an egg. After no ability to convince his son otherwise, a tired Cave Dad goes out to find the egg, retrieves it, & then trips when he arrives back home. But it's a happy ending when they end up with an omelet for breakfast!) www.amazon.com/Cave-Picky-Eater-Brandon-Reese/dp/1452179956/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2XBA0RTDKJ3JZ&keywords=cave+dada&qid=1647495098&sprefix=cave+dada%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-1 8. Pandas Don't Like Popcorn by: Sunny Mai (This cute book highlights the 2 different groups of picky eaters out there. 1) Those who only eat the same thing for dinner every night, over & over again. 2) They refuse to eat certain food groups (i.e. any foods that are yellow.) Little panda is opening his lunchbox & is excited to eat his lunch; except for that yucky popcorn his Mama Panda packed again! But then panda sees his buddies enjoying popcorn during snack time & it makes him curious...should he give popcorn a try?) www.amazon.com/Pandas-Dont-Like-Popcorn-toddlers/dp/B09GCSV6DR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=QJ7Y3BVNOP21&keywords=pandas+don%27t+like+popcorn&qid=1647408712&s=books&sprefix=pandas+don%27t+like+popcorn%2Cstripbooks%2C124&sr=1-1 9. Pete the Cat & the Three Bite Rule by: James & Kimberly Dean (Pete the Cat is trying to help Grumpy Toad learn to try new foods...including bananas, which Grumpy Toad apparently hates. Do your kids ever ask how many bites of something they have to take? The 3-bite-rule has become a favorite go-to at our house, because usually, if they take enough bites, give the food a chance, they end up liking it sometimes.) www.amazon.com/Pete-Cat-Three-Bite-Rule/dp/0062872605/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1647408814&sr=1-1 10. Tales for Picky Eaters by: Josh Schneider (A compilation of poems & short essays for the pickiest eaters out there!) www.amazon.com/Tales-Very-Picky-Eaters-Schneider/dp/0544339142/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1619VQJC7AX14&keywords=tales+for+picky+eaters&qid=1647493291&sprefix=tales+for+picky+eater%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1 11. Gregory the Terrible Eater by: Mitchell Sharmat &Jose Aruego & Ariane Dewey (Gregory is not your typical goat; he won't eat junk like cans, old shoes, & shirts. No, much to his parents' shame, Gregory just craves good fruits and vegetables, as well as fish. His parents take him to a doctor, & then Gregory can't control his appetite, once he gets going on old tires & other junk; will he be able to find a balance to his diet?) www.amazon.com/Gregory-Terrible-Eater-Mitchell-Sharmat/dp/0545129311/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=gregory+the+terrible+eater&qid=1647495147&sprefix=gregory+the+ter%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1 |
AuthorHi, I'm Katie! I'm 37 years old, love the outdoors, reading books & being a mama! And I also enjoy literacy research for my podcast. Archives
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