Even though we don't have a typical winter, never any snow, nor a normal spring here in Arizona (we literally just finished our fall, with all the leaves falling off the trees & temperatures dropping in January) I still LOVE spring! It's a time of new birth or regrowth in nature, & many of us yearn to be reborn ourselves, amongst beautiful flowers, baby chicks & bunnies, etc. And Easter is of course my favorite holiday during this season, but there will be a separate book list for Easter in a couple weeks. This list is strictly about spring & weather changes; I hope you enjoy it! SPRING BOOKS: 1. The Tiny Seed by: Eric Carle (The life of a flower is outlined in this beautiful, spring blossomed-based book.) www.amazon.com/Tiny-Seed-World-Eric-Carle/dp/1416979174/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+tiny+seed&qid=1615437885&sr=8-1 2. Spring for Sophie by: Yael Werber (Sophie waits & watches patiently for signs of spring, as she observes the same snow frozen outside her window. The cute thing about Sophie is that she spends much of the book listening for spring.) www.amazon.com/Spring-Sophie-Yael-Werber/dp/1481451340/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=spring+for+sophie&qid=1615437981&sr=8-1 3. Spring is Here: A Bear & Mole Story by: Will Hillenbrand (Bear is still asleep, even though Mole can sniff spring in the air. Mole plays the trumpet & bakes, all while Bear snoozes on.) www.amazon.com/Spring-Here-Bear-Mole-Story/dp/0823424316/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=spring+is+here&qid=1615438844&sr=8-1 4. The Reason for a Flower by: Ruth Heller (A nonfiction book about the parts of the flowers & the seeds, which become manufactured.) www.amazon.com/Reason-Flower-Flowers-Pollen-Explore/dp/0698115597/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+reason+for+a+flower&qid=1615438970&sr=8-1 5. Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by: Kenard Pak (Another lovely seasonal transitions book, Pak focuses on how the days become longer after winter is ending & that green is everywhere & animals are coming out of hibernation...indicating that spring is on its way!) www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Winter-Hello-Spring-Kenard/dp/1250151724/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=spring&qid=1615438426&sr=8-9 6. And Then it's Spring by: Julie Fogliano (After a cold, snow-filled winter, a boy & his dog decide to go out & plant a garden. They look for a more hopeful shade of brown, meaning that spring is well on its way.) www.amazon.com/Spring-Booklist-Editors-Choice-Awards/dp/1596436247/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=and+then+its+spring&qid=1615439134&sr=8-1 7. We Are the Gardeners by: Joanna Gaines (The tale of how the Gaines family learned to go from caring for one fern to planting an entire garden at their house. The kids took great pride in planning their garden & then watering & talking to all of the plants.) 8. First Peas to the Table by: Susan Grigsby (Maya is so excited that her class is having a contest similar to one from Thomas Jefferson's time-- they will see whose pea seeds blossom first & who can "bring them to the table" before anyone else.) www.amazon.com/First-Peas-Table-Jefferson-Inspired/dp/0807524522/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=first+peas+to+the+table&qid=1615479980&sr=8-1 9. Little Blue Truck's Springtime by: Alice Schertle & Jill McElmurry (Little Blue Truck is out for a ride with his friend Toad, & they notice flowers blooming, the sun shining & will meet some sweet baby animals along the way.) www.amazon.com/Little-Trucks-Springtime-Alice-Schertle/dp/0544938097/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=little+blue+truck%27s+springtime&qid=1615480079&sr=8-1 10. Flowers are Calling by: Rita Gray & Kenard Pak (One of the most gorgeous nonfiction books illustrating flowers & the insects & birds that pollinate them; there are also descriptions of many of the flowers & where they are found.) www.amazon.com/Flowers-Are-Calling-Rita-Gray/dp/0544340124/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=flowers+are+calling&qid=1615438715&sr=8-1 11. The Little Book of Woodland Bird Songs by: Andrea Pinnington (Learning the sound each bird makes will help children appreciate nature & distinguish even between the species of certain birds (like hawks & owls.) www.amazon.com/Little-Book-Woodland-Bird-Songs/dp/0228100313/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=birds+call&qid=1615439183&s=books&sr=1-5 12. Bobby Bear & the Honeybees by: Maurice Pledger (Bobby is on an adventure to find where the smell of wild honey is coming from after he emerges from hibernation. All of his animals friends tag along, until Bobby successfully finds the beehive at the end of the book. Also, this book has some fun flaps to reveal each animal's hiding spot, which makes the adventure even more engaging.) www.amazon.com/Bobby-Bear-Honeybees-Friendship-Tales/dp/1626861897/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=bobby+bear+%26+the+bees&qid=1615480286&sr=8-3 13. Lola Plants a Garden by: Anna McQuinn & Rosalind Bearshaw (After reading some garden poems with her mommy, Lola wants to plant her own garden. So she & her mom go to the library to check out books about plants & flowers; then they choose their seeds. They dig & plant...& then wait. But soon beautiful sunflowers bloom!) www.amazon.com/Lola-Plants-Garden-Anna-McQuinn/dp/1580896952/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=lola+plants+a+garden&qid=1615439267&s=books&sr=1-1 14. Up in the Garden: Down in the Dirt by: Kate Messner & Christopher Silas Neal (A little exploration into the many lives of a garden, throughout the seasons. Up in the garden-- the world is full of leaves sprouting & flowers blooming; but down in the dirt, where the human eye doesn't reach, there are earthworms digging & snakes hunting & other insects interacting, who have made the garden their home.) www.amazon.com/Garden-Down-Dirt-Kate-Messner/dp/1452161364/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=down+in+the+dirt&qid=1615480442&sr=8-1 15. Spring Stinks by: Ryan T. Higgins (Oh Bruce the bear is back, & this time he's grumpy because Ruth the bunny is trying to expose him to all the smells of spring. From flowers to honey, Bruce will get to smell it all!) www.amazon.com/Spring-Stinks-Mother-Bruce-Higgins/dp/1368060919/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=spring+stinks&qid=1615480598&sr=8-1 16. Busy Spring--- Nature Wakes Up by: Sean Taylor & Alex Morss (Animals & plants are getting ready for a busy & fulfilling spring after a long sleepy winter.) www.amazon.com/Busy-Spring-Nature-Wakes-Up/dp/0711255393/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3SREYLQ41FT8C&dchild=1&keywords=busy+spring+nature+wakes+up&qid=1615481458&sprefix=busy+spring%2Caps%2C221&sr=8-3 17. Snow Rabbit: Spring Rabbit by: Il Sung Na (Through a rabbit, we learn of all the changes animals may undergo to be prepared for the season transition. Some animals like bears take a long snooze, rabbits grow a thick, cozy coat during the winter & then it's shed for spring.) www.amazon.com/Snow-Rabbit-Spring-Changing-Seasons/dp/0307977900/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=snow+rabbit+spring+rabbit&qid=1615481544&sr=8-1 18. Rain before Rainbows by: Smriti Prasadam-Halls & David Litchfield (A girl & her companion fox leave behind a sad past & travel towards color & light. As they journey, they find friends to help them & when the new day dawns, it is full of promise.) www.amazon.com/Rain-Before-Rainbows-Smriti-Prasadam-Halls/dp/1536212830/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=rain+before+rainbows&qid=1615481752&sr=8-1 19. I Am Spring by: Rebecca & James McDonald (This book takes children through a journey through the important events that occur in the beautiful growing season of spring. When bugs & animals start to reappear, get ready; it means spring has arrived!) www.amazon.com/Am-Spring-Book-About-Kids/dp/1950553175/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=spring&qid=1615438252&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzVjNRMEYwOFVMUTczJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjI4MjI4Mk1HSDdSR1AyOUQ3WiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzQ1MzMyMUUxS1VXRTdLTzhDRyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= 20. Bunny's First Spring by: Sally Lloyd-Jones & David McPhail (When a baby bunny is born in the spring time, the first things he notices are a new green world, full of blossom & hope. But as the seasons change, the bunny starts to worry that the world is dying around her.) www.amazon.com/Bunnys-First-Spring-Sally-Lloyd-Jones/dp/0310733863/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=bunnies+in+spring&qid=1615438511&sr=8-12 21. When Spring Comes by: Kevin Henkes & Laura Dronzek (Before spring arrives the grass is brown & the ground is covered in snow --but if you wait patiently, soon you'll see flowers blossom & spring brings baby birds, rain & sprouting seeds.) www.amazon.com/When-Spring-Comes-Kevin-Henkes/dp/0062741675/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=when+spring+comes&qid=1615481996&sr=8-1
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AuthorHi, I'm Katie! I'm 35 years old, love the outdoors, reading books & being a mama! And I also enjoy literacy research for my podcast. Archives
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