Title: Thrive
Ariana Huffington Summary: Thriving is considered the third metric of success for the life we want; money & power are the first two metrics. There are four pillars of thriving: 1) wisdom 2) well-being 3)wonder 4) giving I liked the views expressed in her text about mindfulness & meditation; they are truly components for success & increased well-being..not so much "New Agey" anymore. Also, she discusses the importance of the sleep factor (famous author of the Sleep Revolution) in our well-being & counsels you to stop treating it as a flexible item that counsels you to stop treating it as a flexible item that can be moved around for work. She suggests starting with just adding 30 minutes a night by going to bed earlier. And then there's the discussion of the "hurry sickness" that we allow to creep into our schedule & we start pushing it off on our kids. Children are much more cognizant of being present in the moment than adults. Quote: "Death is not the sine qua non of life. As soon as we're born we're also dying. The fact that our time is so limited is what makes it precious." My rating: 4 stars
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